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Genesis 50:20

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Due to COVID-19 and the in-person nature of EMDR therapy, we are not accepting applications at this time. Activity will resume once the crisis has passed. 

The Genesis 50:20 Foundation

We provide scholarships for short term trauma recovery therapies to mothers who are victims of domestic violence.

Survivors of domestic violence are often unable to see the world clearly; their perception of the world was dictated to them by their abuser. Their skewed understanding of “the truth” makes it difficult to see the abuser for who they are, the world for what it is, and therefore, opportunities for a better life appear blurred.

To correct the emotional damage done by physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, one must essentially re-wire the mind.  Specific trauma recovery therapies may accomplish that. Once released from the stories of fear, pain, scarcity and defeatist thoughts, the victim survivor regains their confidence. This results in better choices and a faster progression to a happy, healthy, balanced life for themselves and their children.

What once was, does not always have to be

We believe that the trauma of your past may be used to empower and embolden your future. What once was, does not always have to be. It takes focus and perseverance but you can create a better life for yourself and for your children after an experience trapped in domestic violence.

The Genesis 50:20 Foundation is based on the principle that what one person intended for evil, God intends for good, “For the saving of many lives.” Once the fear and lies are lifted from you, your story can be whatever you choose to create. Our short term “scholarships” for trauma informed therapies help to lift the fog of your abuser’s delusion and clear the way for you to clearly (decidedly) see yourself as the gifted person you are. These therapies can minimize your fear of the abuser, see them for who they really are, and free you from the grip of terror that once held you captive to the abuser.

With a balanced perspective of what really happened, you will be able to make better choices for yourself and your children as you move forward in your new life of freedom. We invite you to apply for one of our scholarships to see how transformative the truth lived out can be.

Start a therapy application

Email us at [email protected] for an application for therapy.

Give Today

Every donation helps us to help those in need.

Founded by a survivor of domestic violence, we at the Foundation understand the critical role these therapies play in the healing of survivors these survivor mothers and their children. Please join us in our effort to support and uplift these women in their pursuit of a better life.

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Give Today

Every donation helps us to help those in need.
Founded by a survivor of domestic violence, we at the Foundation understand the critical role these therapies play in the healing of survivors these mothers and their families. Please join us in our effort to empower these brave mothers to find a better way forward.